Due to COVID-19, there’s been an increasing amount of emphasis on health and safety. At times, this simply manifested as extra steps during hiring processes as you explored CDL job openings for new opportunities, such as having to wear a mask during interviews. However, the bulk of the updates focused on cleanliness, ensuring the virus wasn’t able to spread through work areas.

While maintaining a clean cab is critical during COVID-19, it’s also vital even when there isn’t a pandemic. Along with creating a more pleasant environment for you, cleaning your cab regularly can promote better health.

Fortunately, a thorough spring cleaning is often easier to tackle than you’d expect. If you want to make sure that the cab of your truck is in tip-top shape, we have some advice for you.

Cleaning Controls and Switches

Two options are viable when you need to clean controls and switches, depending on the situation. Under normal, non-pandemic circumstances, some ammonia-free mild soap and water is usually enough to tackle dirt and grime. If you’re concerned about COVID-19, a diluted bleach mixture is usually the best place to start. Then, you’ll want to follow it up with an ammonia-free mild soap and water to get rid of the bleach residue.

If you have touch screens in the cab, you need to be mindful of chemicals and drips. In most cases, you’ll want to go with an ammonia-free, alcohol-free LCD cleaner to ensure there isn’t any damage. However, you can use an ammonia-free mild soap and water if you use a light touch and ensure no drips occur.

Sanitizing Steering Wheels

How you clean a steering wheel depends on the material. For leather steering wheels, you’ll want to wipe them down with mild soap and water, ensuring that the material doesn’t get overly wet along the way. Then, that gets followed up with a leather conditioner to keep the material in good shape.

For plastic steering wheels, diluted bleach is fine. Just be mindful of drips to ensure it doesn’t harm any fabric areas below the steering wheel, and make sure to rinse with an ammonia-free mild soap and water.

Dealing with Seatbelts

Since seatbelts and certain other restraints involve fabric, using bleach isn’t a good idea as it can lead to discoloration. Instead, stick with an ammonia-free mild soap and water for the fabric areas to remove dirt and grime.

Cleaning Door Handles and Grab Bars

You can clean door handles and grab bars in several ways. First, you can go with an ammonia-free mild soap and water to battle basic dirt and grime. If you’re concerned about COVID-19, diluted bleach is also an option, as the materials on door handles and grab bars aren’t usually subject to discoloration. Just make sure to rinse with an ammonia-free mild soap and water to remove bleach residue when you’re done.

If you’re interested in exploring CDL job openings in your area, the team at PTS® wants to hear from you. Contact us today.

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