While traffic jams, bad weather, and loading delays can be frustrating, one of the biggest challenges associated with truck driver employment is physical. Back pain and stiffness are common when you spend so much time seated behind the wheel. And not only is the discomfort distracting, but it can be exhausting, too. 

Thankfully, there are things truck drivers can do to reduce the pain and stiffness. By doing the right exercises, you can stay loose, making it less likely that you’ll experience distracting pain. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are some easy stretches you can do while on the road. 

Toe Touch

Sometimes, a simple forward bend can work wonders. Begin by standing up straight with your arms down against your sides. Next, bend at the waist, allowing your arms to remain pointed toward your toes. 

Gently lean forward, going as far as is comfortable. Pause for about 10 seconds and slowly stand back up, pausing for five seconds. Then, repeat the process, totaling out with five toe touches. 


Usually, when you stretch, you want to aim for equality. To balance out the toe touch, move on to a simple standing backbend. 

Begin by putting your hands on your hips, slightly toward your back. Then, lean backward while also keeping your spine long. Once you feel a stretch, pause for 10 seconds before returning to standing. Wait for 5 seconds, then repeat it four more times. 

Side Stretch

Stand tall with your arms down on your sides. Next, raise one arm, positioning it as if you need to reach an object right above your head that’s just out of reach. Reach out for the imaginary item until you feel a stretch, then hold for 10 seconds before bringing the arm back down. 

After that, switch arms, repeating the process above to complete one cycle. Repeat the cycle a total of four more times. 


For this exercise, you’ll be doing a lunge, using your truck or a wall for support, if necessary. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Either place your hands on your hips or, if you need help balancing, one on the truck and the other on your hip. Next, place one foot behind the other, with about three feet of space in between. 

Then, bend your knees, sinking down. As you do, keep your shoulders in line with your hip. Hold for 10 seconds, then straighten your legs. Repeat the bend and straighten cycle four more times, with a 10-second pause at the bottom and top. Then, switch legs and do a new cycle. 

Neck Stretch

Stand up and place your arms down on your sides. Tilt your head to the right as if you want to bring your right ear to your right shoulder. Keep your right arm relaxed, ensuring you don’t shrug it or lift that shoulder. 

Then, with your left arm, reach down, like you’re trying to get an itch next to your left knee, and hold for 10 seconds. Return to start, pause for 5 seconds, and repeat. After that, switch sides. 

Ultimately, all of the stretches above can help you reduce your risk of pain while driving. If you’d like more truck driver wellness tips, the staff at PTS® can help. Contact us today. 

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