Truck drivers often navigate a variety of potentially dangerous situations. High winds can be particularly challenging, especially for truckers who aren’t experienced with driving in those conditions and aren’t sure how to do so safely.  

Luckily, there are steps you can take to keep yourself safer on the road. If there’s a high wind warning ahead, here’s what you need to do.  

Stay Informed  

When you’re driving a truck, road condition knowledge is power. You should work to remain informed of all area weather conditions, including where you are at the moment and where you’re trying to get.  

By frequently checking weather reports along your path, you can find out about conditions that could lead to high winds or other dangerous situations. You won’t be discovering the issue because you ended up in it. Instead, you’ll know in advance, allowing you to adjust your approach before you reach the problem area.  

Examine Alternate Routes  

Often, the best way to deal with potentially dangerous conditions is to avoid them entirely. If the local forecast shows that winds may be an issue on their path, taking a moment to check alternate routes is a smart move. This is especially true if you’re working with an empty trailer, as the lack of weight makes them more susceptible to getting blown around while you drive.  

When you find a suitable alternative, you can avoid a precarious situation. Plus, you may not lose as much time as you’d think. You should slow down when driving in high winds. A speed change may be unnecessary by going a different route, allowing you to drive safely on a similar schedule.  

Above All Else, Slow Down  

As mentioned above, slowing down when driving in a high wind area is essential. By decreasing your speed, you’re making the truck easier to control. You can reduce the likelihood of sliding around in your lane (or across the road). Plus, if the high winds become too much to handle, you’ll be able to come to a stop with greater ease, diminishing the overall danger.  

Exactly how much you need to slow down will vary. Remain attentive and make adjustments methodically, seeing how the trailer reacts as you make changes to your speed. That way, you can find the ideal spot based on the existing conditions.  

Remain Vigilant  

When high winds are present, it’s normal to focus heavily on how your truck is moving and feeling. However, you need to make sure you don’t develop tunnel vision by mistake. If you do, you could end up in a new, dangerous situation.  

For example, not knowing that another truck driver is attempting to pass is a problem. As their trailer aligns with yours, it could alter how the wind is moving around your vehicle. Plus, you’ll be in close proximity to another truck, where one bad move on either or your parts could be a disaster for you both.  

You want to keep track of everyone else on the road. That way, if you need to take quick action, you know which lanes are open and which aren’t. Plus, you can adjust if another vehicle may influence how the wind is hitting yours, allowing you to stay in control at all times.  

Do You Have a Safe Driving Record? 

If so, PTS® wants YOU! We are hiring for drivers across LA, Whittier, and the Inland Empire. Contact us today or browse our online job portal and apply online. 

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