When it comes to safety, the condition of your truck tires plays a big role. When your tires are in poor condition, a variety of issues can quickly arise. Whether it’s loss of traction, poor handling, or anything else, tire problems make it harder to avoid accidents or may even cause some. 

If you want to make sure you’re safe on the road, addressing tire issues is essential. Here is a look at a few warning signs that indicate your tires need attention. 

Low Tread or Bald Tires

Treadwear is often a clear sign that your tires need some attention. If the tread is getting low, you increase your chances of having a blowout. Additionally, insufficient tread leads to traction issues, making it dangerous to drive in all conditions, though especially so when the roads are wet, icy, or snow-covered. 

Cracked Sidewalls

Cracked sidewalls are one of the most hazardous issues you can have when it comes to tires. Even the smallest cracks are guaranteed to grow, often quite rapidly. If they aren’t addressed, a split will inevitably occur, causing the tire to rip open. If the tire tears while you’re on the road, it can easily cause a serious accident. 

Tire Deformities

Tire deformities like bulges in the sidewall or bubbling on the surface are signs that the tire is compromised. If the tire is newer, it could mean that there is a defect in the tire itself. If the tires have been in use for some time, it’s a sign of wear. 

Bulges typically continue to grow. Once they reach a large enough size, they’ll burst. If that happens while you’re on the road, your odds of causing an accident are incredibly high. 


When you’re on the road, everything should feel reasonably smooth. If you’re experiencing a vibration, that’s a sign that your tires might be unbalanced or misaligned, both of which can lead to wear issues. In some cases, a vibration may indicate an inflation issue, a problem that can reduce traction, lead to uneven wear, or cause the tire to flatten. 

Tire Shed

Truck tires feature a layered design, giving them extra durability. If shedding starts to occur, that’s a sign that the tires aren’t inflated properly, are misaligned, or both. 

While tire shed may not indicate that a failure is imminent, it does mean that there is a problem that needs addressing. Otherwise, the damage will continue, compromising the tire to the point of failure. 

Ultimately, all drivers need to be vigilant. By checking your truck tires each time you get in and out of the vehicle, you can identify issues that may lead to accidents before the worst has a chance to happen. 

If you experience any of the issues above, contact your employer or truck service provider. Let them know you believe your tires are unsafe and that they need attention. That way, any problems can be addressed quickly. 

If you would like to learn more or are looking for a new driving job, the team at PTS® can help. Contact us today. 

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